[photo, Michael E. Busch, House Speaker] MICHAEL ERIN BUSCH (1947-2019)
Democrat, District 30A, Anne Arundel County

House Speaker, 2003-19
Member, House of Delegates, 1987-2019

Member of House of Delegates, January 14, 1987 to April 7, 2019 (representing District 30, 1987-2015; District 30A, January 14, 2015 to April 7, 2019). House Speaker, January 8, 2003 to April 7, 2019. Co-Chair, Legislative Policy Committee, 2003-19 (member, 1994-2019). Member, Judiciary Committee, 1987-91. Deputy Majority Whip, 1993. Chair, Economic Matters Committee, 1994-2003 (member, 1991-2003; home inspection industry subcommittee, 1991). Member, Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 1994-2003. Co-Chair, Joint Committee on State Economic Development Initiatives, 1995-96. House Chair, Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing, 1995-98. Member, Special Joint Committee on Competitive Taxation and Economic Development, 1996-97. House Chair, Joint Committee on the Port of Baltimore, 2000-03. Chair, Speaker's Advisory Committee on Legislative Redistricting, 2001-02. Member, Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 2002; Spending Affordability Committee, 2003-19. Chair, Anne Arundel County Delegation, 1992-93 (member, capital projects subcommittee, 2005; education subcommittee, 2015-19).

Chair, State Commission on Physical Fitness, 1989-94. Member, Governor's Commission on Baltimore City Automobile-Insurance Rate Reduction, 1995. Board of Trustees, Maryland Historical Trust, 1995-2019. Member, Advisory Committee to Study Funding Mechanisms for the Maryland Insurance Administration, 1997-98. Co-Chair, Study Panel to Review Economic Development Financing Programs, 1999. Member, Governor's Task Force to Study the Injured Workers' Insurance Fund, 1999-2000; Task Force on Regulatory Reform, 1999-2001; State Commission on the Capital City, 1999-2007; Government House Trust, 2003-19; State House Trust, 2003-19; Maryland War of 1812 Bicentennial Commission, 2007-15. Interim Chair, Board of Directors, University of Maryland Medical System Corporation, 2008 (member, 2004-16). Member, Maryland Access to Justice Commission, 2008-19; Governor's Redistricting Advisory Committee, 2011; Advisory Board on After-School and Summer Opportunity Programs, 2012-16.

Resident of Annapolis. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 4, 1947. Attended St. Mary's High School, Annapolis, Maryland; Temple University, B.S. (education), 1970. Teacher (history) and sports coach, St. Mary's High School, Annapolis, Maryland, 1973-79. Administrator for youth athletics, Department of Recreation and Parks, Anne Arundel County, 1979-2018. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2012. Served on a number of local boards, including those for Charles Carroll House, Inc.; Banneker-Douglass Foundation; Annapolis Touchdown Club. Coach of the Year (football), 1978; Man of the Year, Anne Arundel County Lacrosse Association, 1982. Anne Arundel County Sports Hall of Fame, 2004. Legislator of the Year, Annapolis & Anne Arundel County Chamber of Commerce, 2005. Legislator Recognition Award, Maryland Association of Counties, 2005. Citation, Maryland Healthy Air Act Coalition, 2006. Honorary Park Ranger, Maryland Park Service, 2008. Distinguished Legislator Award, Maryland Municipal League, 2008, 2011 (certificate of appreciation, 2007; municipal super star, 2009). John R. Hargreaves Distinguished Legislative Fellow Award, Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement, Salisbury University, 2008. Legislator of the Year, Maryland State Medical Society (MedChi), 2009. Champion for Children, Department of Human Resources and Maryland State Bar Association, 2010. John V. Kabler Memorial Award, Maryland League of Conservation Voters, 2010. Distinguished Legislator Award, Maryland Municipal League, 2011. First Citizen Award, Maryland Senate, 2012. Public Education Advocate Award, Public School Superintentendents' Association of Maryland, 2012. Sara Carter Award, Anne Arundel County Democratic Central Committee, 2012. Outstanding Service Award, University of Maryland College Park Foundation, 2012. Michaeline R. Fedder Legislator of the Year Award, Maryland Public Health Association, 2014. President's Award, Maryland Independent College and University Association, 2018. Married; two children. Died in Baltimore, Maryland, April 7, 2019.

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