[photo, Hampton Plaza, 300 East Joppa Road, Towson, Maryland] In 1983, the Uninsured Employers' Fund Board was created to protect workers whose employers are not insured under Workers' Compensation (Chapter 576, Acts of 1983).

The Board reviews and investigates claims by employees, or by their dependents in case of death, who have not been compensated properly by their employer. The Board also supervises the operation and administration of the Uninsured Employers' Fund.

Hampton Plaza, 300 East Joppa Road, Towson, Maryland, May 2004. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

The Uninsured Employers' Fund is responsible for paying workers' compensation awards (including medical payments) to claimants who failed to receive payments from their employers who did not have workers' compensation insurance as required by State law. The Fund derives its revenue from a two-percent assessment on awards against and settlements with employers or insurers. The Fund also collects penalties from sanctions on uninsured employers. In addition, it recovers benefits and medical expenses paid by the Fund on uninsured claims (Code Labor & Employment Article, secs. 9-1001 through 9-1011).

Three members constitute the Uninsured Employers' Fund Board. They are appointed to four-year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and consent. The Board appoints the Director for the Fund (Code Labor and Employment Article, secs. 10-301 through 10-320).

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