Appointed by Governor: Diane M. Baker; James R. Benjamin, Jr., Esq.; Howard Blackwell Bowen; Megan Leef Brown, Esq.; Carville B. Collins, Esq.; Janet Moye Cornick, Ed.D.; Christopher C. Jeffries, Esq.; Bonnie Nelson Luna; Timothy F. Maloney, Esq.; Kathleen Howard Meredith, Esq.; Thomas B. Smyth, M.D.; Eleanor K. Wang; Patricia M. Weaver, Esq.; Michael J. Winkelman, Esq.; John F. Wood, Jr.; Paulette Thompason Zee. Terms expire 2023.
Maryland Judicial Center, 580 Taylor Ave., Annapolis, Maryland, April 2015. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Staff: Debra L. Kaminski
c/o Human Resources Department
Administrative Office of the Courts
Maryland Judicial Center, Building A, 1st floor
580 Taylor Ave., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 260-1271; fax: (410) 974-2849
The Appellate Courts Judicial Nominating Commission was initiated by the Governor in 1970 and began functioning in 1971 as the Governor's Judicial Commission on Appellate Judicial Selection (Executive Order, July 6, 1970). In 1991, the Commission was reformed as the Appellate Judicial Nominating Commission (Executive Order 01.01.1991.05). It was reorganized further in April 2007 as the Appellate Courts Judicial Nominating Commission (Executive Order 01.01.2007.08).
Candidates for judges of the Court of Appeals and the Court of Special Appeals are nominated by the Commission.
The Commission is composed of seventeen members appointed by the Governor, who chooses the chair (Executive Order 01.01.2019.05). Five of these members are nominated by the Maryland State Bar Association.
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