BRYNJA McDIVITT BOOTH, Judge, Court of Appeals, 1st Appellate Judicial Circuit (Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico & Worcester counties), since April 18, 2019.
Chair, Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commission, 16th Commission District, 2003-07, 2015-19 (member, 2007-11). Member, Character Committee, 1st Appellate Circuit, 2008-19; Task Force to Study Tax Sales in Maryland, 2017-18.
Town Attorney, Trappe, Maryland, 2000-19 (assistant town attorney, 1997-2000); Federalsburg, Maryland, 2009-19 (assistant town attorney, 2008-09); Oxford, Maryland, 2010-19 (assistant town attorney, 1997-2010); Queenstown, Maryland, 2010-19; Goldsboro, Maryland, 2012-19; Greensboro, Maryland, 2012-19.
Born in Olean, New York, 1972. Bucknell University, B.A. (political science), cum laude, 1993; Washington and Lee University School of Law, J.D., 1996, cum laude. Law clerk to Judge William S. Horne, Talbot County Circuit Court, 1996-97. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1996; U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 1997; U.S. Court of Appeals for Fourth Circuit, 2013. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1997-; Talbot County Bar Association, 1997-. Shareholder, Cowdrey, Thompson & Karsten, P.A., 2000-03 (associate, 1997-2000); Cowdrey, Thompson & Karsten, P.C., 2003-08; Cowdrey Thompson, P.C., 2008-15 (president, 2011-15). Founding member and shareholder, Booth, Booth, Cropper & Marriner, 2015-19 (vice-president, 2015-19). President, Maryland Municipal Attorneys Association, 2016- (member, 1998-; vice-president, 2014-16). Shareholder, Eastern Shore Title Company, 2015-19 (vice-president, 2016-19). Volunteer, Mid-Shore Pro Bono, Inc., 2005-. Rising Star, Super Lawyers, 2012. Member, St. Mark's United Methodist Church, Easton, Maryland, 1996- (sunday school teacher, 2006-08).
Office: (410) 543-6014
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