Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Cecil County, 2016-; Board of Health, Cecil County, 2016-; Transportation Coordinating Council, Cecil County, 2016-; Weed Control Board, Cecil County, 2016-. Alternate member, Economic Development Commission, Cecil County, 2016-.
Member, Clean Chesapeake Coalition, 2016-; Rural Maryland Development Council, 2016-. Chair, Upper Shore Regional Council, 2019- (secretary, 2017-18).
Born in Bucyrus, Ohio, May 25, 1951. Graduated Bohemia Manor High School, Chesapeake City, Maryland. Attended Cecil Community College, 1970-72. Served in U.S. Army, 1972-75. Pipefitter, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, 1976-80. Founder and Owner, H&B Plumbing and Heating, Inc., Chesapeake City, 1980-. Master plumber, Maryland, 1982-; Delaware, 1984-. Scout master, Chesapeake City Boy Scouts, 1987-91. Coach, Cecil Soccer League, 1988-98; Little League Baseball, Chesapeake City, 1990-2000 (vice-president, 1995-99). Soccer coach, Bohemia Manor High School, 1995-99. Married; two children; five grandchildren.
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