Member, Work Group to Study Child Custody Court Proceedings Involving Child Abuse or Domestic Violence Allegations, 2019-.
Born in Silver Spring, Maryland, February 26, 1989. Attended Charles H. Flowers High School, Springdale, Maryland; University of Maryland, College Park, B.A. (political science), 2011; School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, M.P.P. (acquisition management & international development), 2014. Community organizer, Good Jobs, Better Baltimore Campaign, 2014. Executive Director, U.S. Representative Steny H. Hoyer for Congress, 5th Congressional District, Maryland, 2014-16. Wellstone Action, Advanced Campaign Management School, 2016. Political Director, Hillary for America, 2016. Member, Route 202 Coalition, Prince George's County, 2012. Member, Prince George's County Democratic Central Committee, 2015- (chair, ways & means committee, 2015). Married.
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